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Hospital Particular Alvor


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Hospital Particular Gambelas


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Hospital Particular da Madeira


Urgent Care



Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Dr. André Laureano


HPA Units


  • Healthcares:

    Without Insurance


Portuguese and English


September 2015


- Degree in Medicine by Institute Biomedical Sciences at the Abel Salazar University in Porto – 2004.
- Masters Degree in Dermatoscopy and Preventative Cutaneous Oncology at the Medical University of Graz in Austria – 2015.

Professional Experience

- Specialist Degree in Dermatology and Venereology,  Sub-specialization in Cutaneous Oncology and Dermatoscopy at the Cutaneous Oncology Unit of the Medical University of Graz - Austria.

- Academic Expert in  Dermatoscopy by the Medical University of Graz - Austria – 2014.

- Dermatologist at the Lisbon Central Hospital (Responsible for Oncology Dermatology Consultations, Digital Dermatoscopy and Hansen Lepra Disease).

-Dermatologist at the British Hospital in Lisbon (Responsible for the Digital Dermatoscopy consultation and Confocal Microscopy)

- Dermatologist at the Hospital Particular do Algarve (Consultations in  General Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery)

Academic / Teaching Experience

Researcher in multiple projects on Cutanous Oncology,  Dermotoscopy and Confocal Reflection Microscopy  in association with the Medical University of Graz in Austria.

Author of over 40 papers, published in indexed scientific journals and more than 100 presentations at National Medical Congresses and International Guest reviewer of several medical publications on Cutaneous Oncology, Dermatoscopy  and Confocal Microscopy.

 Guest author of two chapters in two books on Dermatology (international publications) Winner of the 2015 National Prize of the  Juvenal Esteves Research Grant of the Portuguese Society of Dermatology and Venereology.

Guest reviewer of several medical publications on Cutaneous Oncology, Dermatoscopy and Confocal Microscopy.

 Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Dermatology Practical & Conceptual in the section on Cutaneous Oncology (including Dermatoscopy  and Cutaneous Imaging.

Practice Areas at the HPA Group

General Dermatology, Digital Dermatoscopy, Cutaneous Oncology, Confocal Laser Reflection Microscopy, Dermatological Surgery, Laser Therapy, Dermatoscopy and Cosmetic Dermatology.

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