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Nursing care 24 / 7

Competence, humanism and nursing care at the HPA

HPA Magazine 5

Nursing is providing patient care based on technical knowledge and experience. Due to its multifunctional activity and diversity, nursing is extremely demanding. Caring is to understand patients’ needs based on knowledge, but it is also sharing, comforting and respecting the patients’ dignity. We asked our nursing staff responsible for the various departments and units of the HPA Health Group to share their daily nursing experiences. We asked them to tell us in a patient/nurse relationship, what are the essential skills necessary in providing excellent nursing care.


The General Emergency and Paediatric Unit aim to provide quality medical treatment to all age groups, offering personalized care in medical emergencies when it is most needed. This facility provides medical care for patients suffering from sudden and unexpected illness with symptoms varying in severity with possible compromise of vital functions. These unexpected emergency situation warrant priority and immediate medical intervention, at the risk of loss of patient’s vital functions. 
This Unit is totally equipped for a quick and immediate response, with direct access to Analysis Laboratory, Radiology, O.R., Intensive Care Unit, Operating Theatre and In-Patients Department, at the same time relying on the support of most medical specialties.
The different professionals work in teams, providing personalized treatment, while at the same time taking into account the individual needs and characteristics of each patient, working on a 24 hour basis, each day of the year. 
At the HPA, our attention and commitment with patient care ensures that those patients with urgent health problems receive the best health care possible, refers Nurse Miguel Jorge, responsible for the Emergency Unit of the Gambelas Hospital. We treat the disease, but also give our special attention to the patient as a human being, creating a climate of trust, empathy and privacy that as a whole, helps the patient to relax in a comforting environment, at a time which is usually marked by stress and anxiety, concludes this nurse. 
We provide holistic, personalized care, adapted to each patients individuality, adds Nurse Simão Martins, responsible for the Emergency Unit of the São Camilo Hospital. Looking after our patients as a whole, when they are most vulnerable is our priority.
We also believe that communication is a factor of utmost importance when discussing a therapeutic approach with the patient or his family. This is especially true in an Emergency Unit, where it is necessary to develop a climate of trust where listening is more important than speaking, concludes Nurse Pedro Mendes.



The Out-Patients Department deals with numerous specialties, including Special Tests and Recovery Room, being a daily challenge for the nursing team working in this department.
With extended opening hours Monday to Saturday, it offers easy access for patients, that combined with a dynamic and always available team of nurses with multifunctional characteristics and extensive experience, are able to provide quality personalised response to the various specialties, adds Nurse Miguel Jorge who is also responsible for the Out-Patients Unit of the Gambelas Hospital. 
Due to the variety of situations that take place on a daily basis in the Out-Patients Unit, the number of different clinical specialities it deals with and the expectations of our patients, results in daily challenge for this dynamic team who are continuously striving for improvement when it comes to the care of our patients.
It can be said that the Out-Patients Department is one of the key Unit of our Hospitals due to its dynamic integration within the HPA Group, permitting continuous medical care on an out-patient basis, refers Nurse Mara Rohrborn responsible for the Out-Patients Unit of the Alvor Hospital. 


The Intensive Care Unit (ICU), is a specialised medical unit where patients require continuous care and intensive monitoring, either because they are unstable due to organ dysfunction or because they are at risk of failure of their vital functions. 
Considering that the patient is our most important element, it is very important both for the patient and family, that the ICU is seen as a necessary step in order to overcome serious illness. It is always important to alleviate stress and provide comfort regardless of the prognosis, explains Nurse Patricia Felgueiras, responsible for the ICU of the Gambelas Hospital.
The critical patient admitted to an ICU is a patient at risk and more likely of contracting infections. It is for this reason that safety norms and rules are specific to this department and must be strictly adhered to by all team members, which naturally includes the family, refers Nurse Paulo Silva responsible for the ICU of the Alvor Hospital. 
  A patient’s stay in the ICU is expected to be transitory, and the need of dependency in terms of technology is expected to decrease. This message is transmitted regularly to the patient and family in order to reassure and alleviate stress during such a complicated and sensitive time. 


A baby’s admission to a Neonatal Intensive Care unit is for the family a period of extreame stress and anguish. Even in clinically controlled circumstances, parents feel a sense of loss and impotence, fearing for the future of their baby. This is the reason that Nurses working in this very special environment need to be technically competent and specialized but must above all be equally sensitive as far as human relationships are concerned. 
We monitor these babies permanently giving them our utmost attention, in accordance with the requirements of their medical condition, refers Nurse Patricia Inocentes, Specialist Nurse responsible for this Unit. However, we never neglect the family, especially the parents. We maintain a close relationship with the parents. We want them to be our partners in taking care of their baby and include them in all tasks related to the care of the baby while at the same time trying to make them feel special. 
For this Team, 24h Care means to not only having the technical knowhow and experience but also a binding and emotional involvement, states Nurse Patrícia Inocentes.


Children from the tender age of 28 days to 18 years, are normally admitted to this In-Patient Unit via our Paediatric Emergency. However children can be admitted via the Out-Patients Paediatric Unit, other HPA Units or Departments or even from other hospitals.
A multidisciplinary team of Health professionals, can be found in this Unit, working 24 hours a day, every day of the year, with extensive experience in providing health care to children, dedicated to their wellbeing, diagnosis and treatment, refers Nurse Patricia Inocentes, also responsible for the Nursing Team of this Unit.
We consider parents of children that are admitted to hospital, to be our partners in the care of their child, being fundamental in the child’s recovery. We therefore create the necessary conditions of proximity with parents.


A young, motivated and dynamic team of Nurses work in our In-Patient Departments, with varying skills, trained to provide the best care possible on an ongoing basis to our patients, states Nurse Simão Martins, head of Hospital São Camilo In-Patients Dpt.
  Humanization and nursing care provided at our hospitals is guided by the technical and scientific knowhow of our professional staff, while at the same time respecting patient’s individuality, privacy and autonomy, refers Nurse Sylvie Carvalho, responsible for the In-Patients Department of the Gambelas Hospital.
Due to the diversity of our patient’s nationalities, cultures and beliefs the nursing staff of the In-Patients Departments of the Hospital Particular do Algarve, are multicultural in nature. Our Nursing Team is aware and respectful of the specific necessities and individuality of the various cultures in our care.
In this way, refers Nurse Luis Fernandes, responsible for the In-Patient Unit of the Alvor Hospital, our day to day tasks include a warm welcome to all patients that are admitted to our department and tender nursing care, always according to each one’s individual needs. Establishing a sympathetic and respectful relationship with our patients, respecting their intimacy and privacy, based on ethical principles and professionalism is important and necessary, while at the same time not neglecting the family and their involvement, this is our daily motto, concludes this Nurse.


The moments preceding a surgery are normally experienced with anxiety and even anguish, refers Nurse Carlos Borlido, responsible for the Operating Theatre of the Alvor Hospital. For this reason our commitment and our mission is to mitigate these moments of loneliness, fear or distress. 
Although we are only but a few hours with these patients, where they are aware of our presence for only a short period of time before and after surgery, an intense relationship is created. We try to transmit our assertiveness and professional training as well as our affection and respect to these patients, who are at this period in their lives at their most vulnerable. We wish them to see us as friends to be trusted, who are there as confidants to allay their fears at this stressful moment, refers Nurse Jaime Moreira responsible for the Operating Theatre of the Gambelas Hospital.
You will always find a generous smile here, but also words of comfort and confidence in a brighter future, guarantee these professionals.


The Day-Care Hospital is a unit that although it deals with various medical specialties, it mainly deals with cancer patients. 
Cancer is a complex multi-faceted disease which causes biological, psychological, and social alterations. For this reason, the professional team working in this department is often the bearer of very sensitive stressful news. They must provide the cancer patient with a calm, familiar, safe and comfortable environment, says Nurse Joana Freitas. This nursing team must work simultaneously in keeping with the patient and their family, either during the course of the treatment or after its completion, continues Nurse Joana Neto. 
We believe that we have the necessary technical skills to care for the patent and his family, but also the human skills which are of the utmost important in caring for these patients on a 24hour basis. 
The Day-Care Hospital reflects efficiency, technical and human competence, but above all provides individual personalized care, report both Nurses in unison.

The nurses working in this department are Specialist Nurses in Maternal Health as well as General Nurses. All are trained in Emergency Obstetrics and Breastfeeding. 
This very experienced team of nurses deal with the art of helping to be born, they provide advice throughout pregnancy, monitor the future mother throughout labour and childbirth, at the same time supporting the woman/couple and family, mentions Nurse Patrícia Sancho the nurse responsible for this department.
The day-to-day activities of this team of nurses is focused on providing the best possible care to the future parents, in this very memorable period of their lives - the birth of their child. 
Fantastic conditions are available; comfortable installations, providing privacy and tranquillity, in addition to all the necessary medical equipment which might be needed, including that which is necessary in an emergency situation. We are the team that with a proud smile, bring numerous babies into this world, concludes this nurse.