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Madeira Medical Center

Unscheduled Medical Care

Child Psychology

Child Psychology

Learning Difficulties

When something is not quite right children and young people prefer school to exteriorize their frustrations.

This emotional imbalance results in inappropriate behaviour, such as:
  • The child becomes aggressive or agitated;
  • Retraction- speaks little or nothing at all;
  • Portray fear;
  • Become too good;
  • Cling excessively to adults;
  • Wet the bed;
  • Have nervous tics, headaches;
  • Lie, etc.

This type of behaviour is adopted as a way to express suffering, which in turn causes the so-called "learning difficulties".

A child is said to have learning difficulties when he cannot obtain “Satisfactory” or standard results at school.

But is it because he cannot or because he does not want to learn?

The Child Psychologist, with the parent’s cooperation can help the child gain self-control, while presenting an acceptable behaviour, resulting in peace at home and harmony within the family. 


medical specialty available on the following units