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Abdominal Wall Hernia

An Abdominal Wall Hernia is defined as the passage of organs, or part of them, from the abdominal cavity through an orifice or defect in the abdominal wall.

Situations where there is increased intra-abdominal pressure, such as chronic cough, physical exertion, constipation, obesity and pregnancy favour the appearance of hernias.

Discomfort and local pain are the most frequent symptoms and a large percentage they evolve without complications, which allows treatment planning. However, there may be complications when incarceration occurs, that is, when the hernial content does not return to the cavity. In most of these cases, treatment is urgent.
Scheduled treatment must be carried out to improve the patient's quality of life and prevent complications that, depending on the patient, can put his life at risk.
Treatment is always surgical, and during the planning consultation, the patient is informed by the medical team, of the best type and method available for the treatment of his particular situation.

Types of Hernias:


  • Inguinal Hernia – Located in the groin area.
  • Umbilical Hernia – Located in the navel region.
  • Femoral Hernia – Located in the area below the groin
  • Epigastric Hernia – Located in the epigastric region - midline/white line
  • Incisional Hernia – Located in the region of a previous surgical incision.



It is possible that there are other locations for hernias to appear, if in doubt, one should consult a medical specialist.

At Hospital Particular da Madeira, 3D laparoscopic technology is available, unique in the region, which allows for the treatment of the vast majority of hernias.

Laparoscopy (or video-assisted surgery) is a minimally invasive surgical technique that offers more favourable results in terms of safety, postoperative recovery and the return to social and leisure activities.

This technology will in fact, allow the patient to undergo surgery with less pain, less blood loss, less time in hospital and a better aesthetic result as scars, due to their reduced size and number with time, become practically imperceptible.

Obtain more information with our professionals:  Dr. Pinto da Cruz and Dra. Rubina Almada Gouveia 


? Hernia repair surgery is one of the types of surgery, most performed around the world.

Abdominal hernias are extremely common, particularly in men, about eight times more common, especially between groups 50-70 years of age.

? Among the abdominal wall hernias, the most prevalent is the groin hernia, with 96% of them located in the inguinal region and only 4% in the femoral region.

? Abdominal hernias can be congenital (present at birth) or develop due to obesity, pregnancy, constipation, chronic cough, or overexertion. 

? Large or bulky hernias can descend towards the testicles and are called inguinoscrotal hernias.  Many patients are already born with this deformity, however manifestation will only occur in adulthood, resulting on muscle weakness. 

? Many hernias do not present symptoms, but others become incarcerated or strangulated, causing pain or discomfort, requiring immediate surgical correction.

? Strangulated hernias are ischemic (without blood supply) and can result in intestinal ischemia, perforation or peritonitis, due to tissue death and infection.

? Treatment of an abdominal hernia is always surgery either by classical method or laparoscopy. All hernias must be operated on, to prevent complications such as strangulation.

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