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Hospital Particular Gambelas


Urgent Care



Hospital Particular da Madeira




Urgent Care

Madeira Medical Center


Urgent Care

Infectious Diseases

Consulta de Doenças Infeciosas

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites including:

  • Medical emergencies such as Malaria, Meningitis, Encephalitis, Sepsis and Skeletal Shock.
  • Fever without focus
  • Complex treatment conditions such as tuberculosis, bone, joint or spine infections and those caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria
  • Travelers Medicine: advice and disease prevention for travelers. Diagnosis and treatment of infectious syndromes after a trip.
  • Screening of latent infections and administration of prophylaxis in patients who need to start immunosuppressants or immunomodulators such as biological therapy, corticoids, azathioprine
  • Infections in patients whose immune system is weakened by oncological, immunological, drug, pregnancy or other conditions
  • HIV / AIDS and major associated morbidities
  • Sexually transmitted diseases

Related Exams

Rx, gasimetria, serologias, hemoculturas, mieloculturas, urocultura, urina II; cultura de líquidos biológicos tais como líquido cefalorraquidiano, ascítico, pleural, pús; testes de biologia molecular, testes rápidos , baciloscopia

Main Pathologies / Diseases

  • Meningitis, Encephalitis, Pneumonia, Urinary tract infections (including repetitive infections)
  • Erysipelas, cellulites and abscesses
  • Influenza, Tuberculosis, Tick fever, Brucellosis, Q fever, Leptospirosis
  • HIV Infection and Hepatitis
  • Sexually transmitted infections: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Clamydia, Genital Herpes
  • Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunia, Typhoid Fever, Rabies, Leishmaniasis, Chagas Disease


Patients presenting the following symptoms should seek this specialized consultation:

  • Fever, chills,  rashes
  • Pain, heat, flushing and edema localized
  • Alteration of consciousness, focal deficits (loss of strength in a limb, change in facial mimicry) and convulsions


medical specialty available on the following units