waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor

Superior a 1H30

Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira

Superior a 1H30

Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

Atendimento Médico
não programado

Enf. Suse Guerreiro

Nursing Department 

Hospital Particular
do Alentejo

Enf. Suse Guerreiro

Being a nurse is to colour in someone's life, without using colouring pencils
Hospital Particular do Alentejo · Sines

HPA Magazine 16

This title, created by Vizleide Alves Vieira, partly reflects my feeling as the coordinating nurse of the current Hospital Particular do Alentejo - Sines. Being able to contribute to the development of a hospital in the Alentejo is to care for the patient as a WHOLE. 
Contributing with ideas and suggestions in the design of infrastructures, putting together various multidisciplinary teams, to provide the local and tourist population with all the necessary means available to take care of their health, is a unique experience.

I joined the CLÍDIS nursing team at the end of 2017, a clinic with a history of success, that was well-known throughout the Alentejo. For four years, the hospital project was under way.  Dedicated and qualified teams studied its dynamics and were eager to transcribe it from paper to the field. Following this development closely, gave me hope, as living in the Alentejo and having quality health services available is reassuring.
This will only be the beginning of a journey, on a long road that will still take quite some time to cover.
However, with the help of all HPA collaborators, everything is easier and possible. Because the NEW project is now our priority, we will together build a path with history and the “Particular” designation, HPA Health in the Alentejo, Algarve or Madeira.
Thanks to everyone involved in this project.

Ser enfermeiro é colorir a vida de alguém sem usar lápis de cor