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Glaucoma Laser Therapy

 Glaucoma Laser Therapy


Glaucoma is a disorder of intraocular fluid dynamics with a consequent increase in pressure on the nerve cells that are the basis of vision. In certain patients, glaucoma can be controlled with medication; however, in some cases, Laser treatment is necessary, the application of which is safe and painless.

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Glaucoma triggers irreversible vision loss, and its prevalence increases with age. If this disease is diagnosed early and after adequate treatment, the likelihood of blindness is substantially reduced.

The causes of glaucoma are unknown, although it is closely associated with high intraocular pressure. This disease can also appear after eye surgery, medication use, a high degree of myopia, family history, hypothyroidism, heart disease, high blood pressure, and eye injuries.

Glaucoma is a chronic disease with no cure; however, it can be controlled through medication or surgery, including laser surgery. These forms of treatment can be used alone or together.

At an early stage, medical treatment includes the application of drops (eye drops). Subsequently, considering that this is an evolutionary condition, it is necessary to carry out regular complementary exams.

When medical treatment is not effective or is not tolerated, surgery is provided, which in some cases can be laser. Currently, these therapies are less invasive, safer, and provide faster recovery.

Laser procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and with topical anaesthesia (eye drops).

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