waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

Atendimento Médico
não programado

Safe and protected we will remain with you at all times 


The mission of the HPA Health Group is to provide differentiated health care with quality, efficiency and sustainability, well-being of its patients. 

The changes that we have been experiencing since mid-March have forced us to change our strategy and the way we work. However, our values and principles have not changed, namely ”to cherish and ensure our patients safety at all times”.


The HPA Health Group has made a major investment in protective equipment, separate circuits and physical changes to its units, training and information so that it now feels prepared to continue its normal activity. 

The effort of our employees, namely the Infection Control Commission and the Contingency Management Team, permitted the safety of our Units and medical services from the initial stages of this pandemic, ensuring that they remain safe and protected, so that we can calmly and in confidence resume what we know how to do best: being with you at all times, because your health is of particular importance.


We will therefore resume booking consultations, exams and surgeries which had been previously rescheduled, despite changes in the opening times of some of our units. Confirm details and do not forget to wear your surgical mask.

 To maintain our patients’ collaboration, consult some of the measures adopted to ensure everyone’s safety and protection.

NON-COVID morbidity and mortality has increased significantly, do not miss appointments, exams and scheduled surgeries.

Mobility restrictions imposed by the state of emergency do not apply to health services.

Transversal mesures to all units

  1. At the entrance of each unit, there is a control triage monitoring point.
  2. On arrival, our nurses will assess your temperature and check for respiratory symptoms.
  3. The use of a surgical mask is mandatory while you are in the hospital, so if you do not bring your own surgical mask, you may purchase one on entering the hospital.
  4. You will then be asked to sanitize your hands for 20 seconds.

Out-Patient Consultations / Exams / Treatment 


  • All our receptionists are protected with a mask and  safety distances are marked.


  • The distance between chairs has been respected and is indicated, you can therefore sit in safety.
  • We have also increased the period of time between each consultation / examination / treatment, thus avoiding a large number of patients at any one time. 


  • You will be able to confirm that both professional staff and physical spaces are correctly protected, signposted and continuously sanitized. 

Surgery / Programmed Hospital Admission 

  1.  All patients with scheduled surgeries undergo a preoperative consultation, where they are tested for COVID-19 infection.
  2. Patients will notice that we have independent circuits for patients suspected of infection, who, when confirmed, are immediately transferred to the NHS reference hospital.
  3. Restriction on hospital visits during in-patient admission will remain.

Emergency Surgery / In-Patient Admission 

  1. All patients who access the Emergency Unit and will subsequently require surgery and / or urgent hospital admission, will be submitted to screening for COVID-19 infection  and will remain in isolation pending the result.
  2. If the event of a COVID-19 positive result, (cough or fever or difficulty breathing or contact with a confirmed case), the patient will remain in isolation in a specially designated area for up to 2 negative tests (if without exacerbating symptoms).
  3. If the COVID-19 infection screening test is positive, the patient is transferred to the NHS reference hospital.

Family members in the Maternity Unit 

  1. A family member during childbirth will once again be allowed, as well as in the Maternity Unit, but only if the COVID-19 test result carried out 48h and 72h before delivery/admission is negative.
  2. From the moment the family member enters the room, he will only be able to leave when the mother is discharged.
  3. At no time can the companion leave the room and has to remain overnight and have meals in the room.
  4. Changing family members during admission will not be permitted. 

Adults Emergency Unit  24 hours / 7 days a week:

Algarve – Hospital Particular de Alvor e Hospital Particular de Gambelas

Madeira – Hospital Particular da Madeira


Pediatric Emergency Unit  24 hours / 7 days a week:

Algarve – Hospital Particular de Gambelas


Emergency Unit – Pregnant Women 24 hours / 7 days a week:

Algarve – Hospital Particular de Gambelas


Treatment / Cancer Patients 

Algarve – Hospital Particular de Alvor e Hospital Particular de Gambelas

Madeira – Hospital Particular da Madeira


Covid-19 Analysis 

Algarve – Hospital Particular de Alvor e Hospital Particular de Gambelas

Alentejo – Clínica de Diagnósticos de Sines


Teleconsultation and Videoconsultations 

Algarve, Alentejo e Madeira



Emergency Dentistry Consultations 

