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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

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 Breast cancer begins in the cells of the mammary gland and is the most common malignant tumour in women (about 1 in 8-10 women will have breast cancer in their lifetime). However, about 1% of breast cancer affects men.

Approximately 80% of breast cancer is discovered by the woman herself, when performing breast palpation, which is why both men and women should perform breast self-examination monthly.

In women of childbearing age, from 20 years of age, this should be done after the end of the menstruation period.

If breastfeeding, monthly surveillance should be maintained. Self-examination is recommended after breastfeeding.

In menopause, continue the habit of self-examining the breast, always on the same day of each month.

 If you observe any of these changes, don't panic. Consult your doctor for an examination.
Self-Examination can save lives.
Don't self-isolate. Involve your family and loved ones. Sharing and support are the key to beating cancer.

Take care of your Health.
Self-Examination is of the utmost importance.  





Treating cancer without chemotherapy: Haematology

Since the beginning of oncology, cancer treatment has been based on chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery or a combination of all three. Until 20 years ago, the only exception to this paradigm was the allogeneic transplant of bone marrow cells, which induces a an immune destruction of the malignant cells by the donor cells.  In this sense, allogeneic transplant was the first form of immunotherapy and is, even today, the only curative therapy for certain forms of acute leukaemia and aggressive lymphomas.

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The diagnosis and treatment of cancer have evolved incredibly over the last decade. However, it is still a frightening word, especially due to the unknowns such as survival and the quality of life.
Despite the Oncology Registry for the Southern Region (Lisbon and The Tagus Valley, Alentejo, Algarve and Madeira) showing positive results for survival of colon, rectum and breast cancer, the truth is that more than 24 thousand new cases per year are registered. This means three new cases of cancer are...

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The approach to breast cancer over the years

Breast cancer is an ancient, but heterogeneous disease, representing a wide range of biological potential. It has been known since first descriptions on Egyptian papyruses in 3000 BC, but it was Hippocrates (460-370 BC) who used the term cancer to describe the appearance of a tumour and its projections, which resemble the shape of a crab. Several centuries later, Galen (130-200 AD) determined that there was no treatment for this disease, that it was incurable, a concept that endured for...

HPA Magazine 09


Care, support, nurture Oncology – Day Care Hospital

In a society faced with an ever-increasing number of oncological diseases, quality cancer care and palliative care is essential and must be based on humanistic and altruistic principles. 
Briefly, cancer occurs when a cell in the human body loses its normal control mechanisms and presents an uncontrolled growth. The evaluation of this disease always begins with the patient’s medical history and a physical examination. Patients normally ...

HPA Magazine 04


Intra operative radiotherapy

Senology is a specific field of medicine that studies all pathology related to the women’s breast. The primary object is to treat all problems associated with breast cancer. Despite the technological advances, statistics in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer remain bleak. At the HPA Health Group a new approach was initiated recently, offering a better quality of life for women diagnosed with breast cancer...


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