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Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

Atendimento Médico
não programado

Consultas Especializadas em problemas da Criança



Pregnancy is one of the most important moments in the life of a woman and also in the life of a couple. The 9 months are lived in great expectation and enchantment, but also with some anxiety and some uncertainties. It was with these in mind that we created this page, entirely dedicated to you and your baby.

We also prepared a specialised consultation for this moment - the Paediatric Prenatal Consultation – where we will provide you with all the support and guidance, which will prepare you in advance, in an informed way, for the great and fantastic journey of your life.

Paediatric Prenatal Consultation


Preventing infections during pregnancy



Infections during pregnancy can harm your health and that of your baby. For everyone to stay well, take some precautions and make healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently - especially when in contact with children. Washing your hands regularly, especially before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick and preventing infections. It is especially important to wash your hands before handling food and after blowing your nose. If there is no soap and running water, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel.
  • Cook the meat until it is well done. The juices should be clear and should not be pink inside and preferably let them rest a few minutes after cooking. Try not to eat undercooked meats or processed meats, such as hot dogs, as they may contain harmful bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes.
  • Avoid unpasteurised milk or foods made from it. Do not eat soft cheeses, such as feta, brie and fresh cheese, unless they have labels that say they are pasteurised milk. Unpasteurised (raw) products can contain harmful bacteria.
  • Ask your obstetrician about Group B streptococci (GBS). About 1 in 4 women carry this type of bacteria without knowing it, as they have no symptoms. There is an easy and simple test that can be performed at the end of pregnancy that will allow you to know whether or not you have this bacterium.
  • Talk to your obstetrician about vaccinations. Some vaccines are recommended before becoming pregnant, during pregnancy or shortly after delivery. Getting the right vaccines at the right time can help you stay healthy. For example, this is the case with the flu vaccine.
  • Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some people have this type of illness and are asymptomatic. It is important to know if you have an STD, as its presence can affect, in addition to your health, the baby's health. Talk to your obstetrician, as some STDs can be treated during pregnancy.
  • If you have not been vaccinated or have not contracted chickenpox or rubella, avoid contact with people infected with these diseases. Chickenpox can cause pregnancy complications and birth defects; rubella can cause severe birth defects, risk of miscarriage or the baby being stillborn. During the COVID-19 pandemic, follow the recommended safety measures: always wear a mask, avoid crowds and maintain a safe social distance.

  • Protect yourself from insects that can transmit diseases. When outdoors in areas where this is a possibility, wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers. Also use insect repellent, but above all avoid traveling to areas where there is such a risk.
  • Do not touch or change the cat litter tray and avoid contact with potentially contaminated soil. Ask someone else to do this. If this is not possible, wear gloves and wash your hands immediately once you have finished. Cat faeces can contain a harmful parasite that causes an infection called toxoplasmosis.
  • You should not have contact with rodents, lizards, or pet turtles, due to their droppings. If you have any of these pets, ask someone to look after them until the baby is born, as these animals may carry a harmful virus called lymphocytic choriomeningitis.
  • The National Vaccination Plan starts at the Maternity Hospital with vaccination for hepatitis B. 


The BCG vaccine is currently carried out at the Health Center, but only for at risk groups.
During their stay at the Maternity Hospital the newborns need some special care:

  • Breast milk is the best food for your baby. The team is available to guide the mother in the breastfeeding process.

  • In cases where the mother cannot (or does not wish to) breastfeed, we have a hypoallergenic milk formula suitable for her child. Talk to the medical team.

  • The baby is weighed before discharge. The newborn usually loses weight in the first few days (up to 10% of birth weight). Weighing must continue on a weekly basis during the first month of life. You can do this at the Paediatric Nursing consultation.

  • Your baby will have a daily medical visit and we are available to clarify any doubts.

  • Your baby should always be transported safely. When you are discharged, clarifications are made, and you will be accompanied by a professional to your vehicle (Safe Discharge).

  • Your baby's first consultation should take place by the 12th day of life. The first appointment can be made with one of the team's Paediatricians:

Médica Pediatra Ana Mariano

Dr.ª Ana Mariano

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Médico Pediatra António Salgado

Dr. António Salgado

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Médica Pediatra Inês Serras

Dr.ª Inês Serras

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Médico Pediatra João Tavares

Dr. João Tavares

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Médico Pediatra Luís Gonçalves

Dr. Luís Gonçalves

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Médica Pediatra  Maria José Guerra Pinto

Dr.ª Maria José Guerra Pinto

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Médica Pediatra Marisol Anselmo

Dr.ª Marisol Anselmo

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Médica Pediatra Patrícia Mendes

Dr.ª Patrícia Mendes

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Médico Pediatra Pedro Costa e Cruz

Dr. Pedro Costa e Cruz

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Médico Pediatra Saul Lopes

Dr. Saul Lopes

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Médico Pediatra Víctor Miranda

Dr. Víctor Miranda

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